Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1884
Paterson's Gallery, 1902
Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1906
Frans Hals. Tentoonstellung ter gelgenheid van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Gemeentelijk Museum to Haarlem, Frans Hal Museum, Haarlem, 1937
Old Master Piantings from the Beit Collection, National Gallery of South Africa, Cape Town, 1949-1950
17th Century Dutch Paintings, National Art Museum, Capetown, 1952
Paintings from the Irish Collections, Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin, 1957
L'Art et la Musique, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, 1969
From Titian to Delacroix: Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Ireland, Yokohama Sogo Museum of Art, 25 August 1993 - 17 October 1993; Chiba Sogo Museum of Art, 10 November 1993 - 20 December 1993; Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamaguchi, 5 January 1994 - 20 February 1994; Kobe City Museum, 25 February 1994 - 10 April 1994; Isetan Museum of Art, 14 April 1994 - 24 May 1994
European Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Ireland', National Gallery, Canberra, 25 June 1994 - 3 October 1994; Art Gallery of New South Wales, 21 October 1994 - 15 January 1995